We work with ….

Leaders who want to make the shifts in perspective that will unlock their capacity to learn, grow and change

Teams who are frustrated with the status quo and are looking to climb-and-pull together to the next level of high performance 

Orgs who are finally ready to own and transform their culture in order to achieve new levels of vitality and sustainability

The Praxis Progression of Support

The Praxis Support Continuum

Leadership Development

What does it mean to lead in your Organization?

We believe that effective leaders figure out a way to balance the competing tensions of Adaptive Leadership:

Knowing - clarity around what is unchanging amidst all the transformation needed:  values, mindsets & behaviors that make your culture distinctive and attractive. 

Learning - our diverse and accelerated world demands leaders who are humble enough to scan for data and intuitive insights, reflect, and then adapt their approach to the needs of the leadership moment.

Executive Coaching

What new leadership challenges are you facing?

We specialize in strengths-based leadership development coaching — at any level of the organization where a significant investment in leaders is needed to drive better outcomes.

Clients call us when they see their leaders or HiPo talent are in need of intentional investment in

  1. leadership flexibility

  2. managing through change & transition

  3. aligning people to strategy

  4. building team cohesion

  5. strategic messaging for clarity + impact.

Facilitation & ProgramS

How can you tap into the collective wisdom of the many?

We design and facilitate customized meetings & programs for U.S. and global teams in an environment that is Active (not passive) Human (not “corporate”) and Transformative (not ordinary).

The result is that your engagement will amplify the learning + objectives you need accomplished while also creating connection & building community. (An impactful twofer on your limited corporate dollars!)

We have a defined, scientific process for making virtual or on-location, large-scale events into personal, impactful exchanges where the collective wisdom of the many is unleashed on your biggest challenges.

Interested in our services ? We’re here to help!

We invite you to start a conversation with us.

Regardless of whether it leads to an engagement together,  we promise that our curiosity-based questions will inspire greater clarity around your needs + courage for how to address them.  That's the Praxis Partnership we envision.